Best Practices on the road to Enterprise-wide MDM

I recently had an interesting discussion with Ravi Shankar, Director of Product Marketing at Siperian, about emerging best practices for enterprise-wide MDM initiatives.  Siperian provides MDM hubs for large companies across a number of industries.  Now, I have noted before that MDM is a complex undertaking that needs to be thought about at a strategic… Continue reading Best Practices on the road to Enterprise-wide MDM

Decisions and Consequences

Not everything is easy.  I analyzed data for decision-making for many years using advanced techniques such as predictive modeling, machine learning and even influence diagrams.  With the rush to pervasive BI we often forget about the need for truly sophisticated analysis to aid in complex decision making.    I’m talking about decision support for critical strategic… Continue reading Decisions and Consequences

Seven guiding principles for analyzing data

I was talking to an old friend the other day who is involved in using the results of research to help grow a business. He told me some interesting stories that made me revisit some basic tenets of good analysis. Yes, you may think that some of these are obvious, but they still bear repeating.… Continue reading Seven guiding principles for analyzing data

Innovations in Data Visualization – Animation and more

Robin Bloor and I were briefed by SAS about some of its visualization technologies last week as part of the research we’re undertaking in innovations in BI.   SAS has thought a lot about visualization.  In fact, the company has an interesting user centric UI model that actually looks at classes of users across various visualization… Continue reading Innovations in Data Visualization – Animation and more

Is This the Death of the Data Cube? (continued)

I’ve never been a fan of the data cube. In fact, I’ve always disliked it because it seems so constraining. I don’t want to be chained to a certain thought process when I’m analyzing data. Maybe that’s because I try to use a variety of analytical approaches when gaining insight from data. Recently, Robin Bloor… Continue reading Is This the Death of the Data Cube? (continued)